CorLex Properties
News 1224 Broadview 1226 Broadview Location Info & Maps

1224 Broadview
1226 Broadview
Location Info & Maps

About Us

CorLex Properties features two homes for rent on Broadview Avenue about 1.5 kilometres north of Danforth Ave. which, along with the owners home, are part of a colonial brick building built in the late 1880's  (pictured above) in what was then, Todmorden Village.  The houses are two, 3-storey row houses centrally located in the City of Toronto.  Both have fenced rear yards with deck or patio, available parking for each and convenient TTC access.  For more information and pictures of each, please use our links to the properties.

Rentals Available as of: Tuesday November 08, 2005

1224 Broadview Avenue - UNAVAILABLE

1226 Broadview Avenue - AVAILABLE DEC. 1st/05 or JAN. 1st./06

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us by email for more information about our available properties or if you are interested in being notified if a currently occupied property becomes available.

Postal address
1228 Broadview Ave., Toronto, ON. M4K2T2
Electronic mail
General Information:
General Information: (416) 648-1331

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2005 CorLex Properites
Last modified: 11/08/05

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